Mike’s Micro Movie Reviews – Episode 2

We Bought a Zoo - Movie PosterWe Bought A Zoo

Been looking forward to this for a while. I’m a big fan of director Cameron Crowe (and friend of Pearl Jam) for his documentary on them and the grungey movie Singles from the 90s… Matt Damon was decent as usual (he doesn’t make many turkeys, Hearafter aside!) and the remaining actors well cast. In fact the downside was probably deviating the real story from Dartmoor a little too much for Hollywood… but I was prepared for it to be more sentimental that it turned out. Special mention to Jonsi’s soundtrack which I had to buy as it is so moving and integral to the films themes of nature, life and death.

Mike’s Rating: 7/10 

The Dark Knight Rises - Movie Poster

The Dark Knight Rises

And after all the hype…. Awesome! The sheer scale of this could only be achieved by the vision of Christopher Nolan… For me it just fell short of The Dark Knight as I thought Heath Ledger was flawless as the Joker. Loved the scene this time, + 8 years, so dark and despairing, Bruce Wayne a broken man, and Bane more than an equal match for him physically. Tom Hardy’s voice modulated like a posh Darth Vader! Stunning cast yet again, loved Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman who provided some light relief and gentle humorous one-liners. Joseph Gordon-Levitt continues to impress me as well… Superb conclusion, nicely set up to give everything closure and maybe revive the franchise one day? And even miserable cynics like me surely can’t fail to be moved by Michael Cain’s final speech!

Mike’s Rating: 9/10

Contraband - Movie Poster


Rented last weekend, I felt this was a solid enough gangster thriller – interesting difference in that it was money laundering as well as drugs involved. Would like to see the Icelandic original now from which Hollywood pinched the idea! The cargo shipping journey from New Orleans to Panama was an unusual background to shoot in, and the cast and characters engaging enough, although Mark Wahlberg didn’t really have to break sweat in a typical role for him.

Mike’s Rating: 7/10 

Rampart with Woody Harrelson - Movie Poster
Rampart with Woody Harrelson


Extremely disappointed with this – bit of a random choice in Blockbuster. Woody Harrelson stars as an immensely dislikeable bent cop in Los Angeles who is finally caught out viciously beating a suspect. But then not much happens…! Way too conversational and drifty style too focused on Harrelson’s movements and only limited bursts of action, with no proper closure or conclusion whatsoever. Surprising cameos from Steve Buscemi and Sigourney Weaver… they must have been very bored!

Mike’s Rating: 4/10

By Michael Court.

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