Star Trek: Into Darkness - movie poster

Star Trek: Into Darkness – New Teaser Trailer Out Today and it Looks Intense!

Well that’s brightened up my cold December Thursday… The Official Teaser Trailer for the new J.J. Abrams movie Star Trek: Into Darkness can now be viewed in HD right here: –

Now I don’t really consider myself a Trekkie, I wasn’t really into the TV series, but I did always enjoy the movies. I still remember seeing Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan & Star Trek III: The Search for Spock as a kid and loving them.

J.J. Abrams original Star Trek re-boot back in 2009 was a hugely enjoyable popcorn space-science-fiction flick, which happens to be a genre I love, so I’ve been looking forward this sequel for a long time.

The new trailer (above) looks intense, to put it mildly. It clearly blows the windows and doors wide open in the CG department with stuff blowing up and crashing all over the place… is that the Starship Enterprise we can see crashing into the sea? It looks like we will be seeing more of San Francisco too, judging by the frequent shots of the city in the future.

Looks like all the original cast are back and we can clearly see our very own Sherlock – Benedict Cumberbatch in this trailer – apparently playing Khan if the rumours are to be believed… I guess we’ll have to wait and see, to be sure?

Star Trek Into Darkness is due for release on 17th May 2013 in 3D and IMAX. According to the end of this teaser trailer there will be a full trailer coming within the next 2 weeks on the 17th December 2012.

Looking forward to this one BIG TIME.

If you have any thoughts or comments on this trailer, feel free to leave them below.

About the Author: Chris Russell has a passion for movies, films and cool TV shows and loves to share that passion here on Movie Retrospect where readers can join the discussion in the comments below or via our socials. If you enjoyed this post, please follow @MovieRetrospect on X / Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

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